Just Breath :


It is essential to devote a quick moment in time to address you, your body of life, and center your energies. Try to focus on abstaining from any activity and truly emphasize the beauty in this motionless moment. Soak in your conscious existence while you deliberately remove yourself from the complexities of the physical environment. Freely gift yourself with a moment of peacefulness and welcome the present. This is a very simple way to center yourself and practice the art of relaxation.

Intentionally inhale the plush surroundings that fill your present atmosphere, remaining utterly still. Closely study the rhythm of your breathing patterns, concentrating only on the total being of your existence. Learn to be present and channel your awareness. The key is detachment.

Carefully observe this seemingly effortless expansion and contraction of the chest cage. When you are ready, change the rate of your breathing patterns to gain a sense of control and remind yourself this is a time for you. NOW is the moment.

birdsIt is important you stay focused on becoming present. Do not let any outside anxieties or stress tell you that you should be doing something else or need to hurry up because of dot dot dot. Stop. Relax and let go of your thoughts immediately. Release any negative energy you may have and thrive in the only moment you will ever have, the NOW. Right now. Breath. Allow yourself at least 5 minutes to
focus solely on you.

Slowly breath in deeply through your nose, truly inhaling as much air as you can and exhale slowly through your mouth.

Let go, taking as long as you physically can to release all the build up within you. Remember this is your world too, you deserve some time that is strictly devoted to you, and only you. Enjoy this moment alone and do what you need in order to release and recharge. Don’t forget to breath.

Deeply inhale the present by taking slow and lengthy breathes in, letting stress escape out. Allow your rib cage to get pulled in every which direction. Inhale with such rich thickness that your ribs elevate upward as if you can feel gravity pull you toward zen.

Then, try expanding your rib cage sideways. Feel gravity stretch your ribs away from each other opening your center in a way that completely exposes your stomach and releases stress. Imagine the amount of air your body takes in when filling your lungs to the greatest degree. Remember you are a living breathing being and life is a beautiful thing.


Breath in as deeply as you can and hold for 8 seconds. Slowly breath out until all the air is released from your lungs and repeat. This time instead of holding your breath like you did at the peak of the inhale after you have completely exhaled, slowly make a physical effort to keep exerting any air from within you, try to do this for 7 seconds. It’s surprising how much air your body can discharge even after you think you come to the end of an exhale. Inhale again, in and out, repeating the cycle of holding and releasing air, but each time do for less seconds. Do this until your breath is back at its normal speed again.

Breath like you mean it. Breath with purpose. Breath because you are alive. Breathing allows you to welcome refreshing changes into your soul, at your request. Cherish this phenomena every single day and practice often.

When you are ready, go about your day with mindfulness. Take your time easing back into reality and enjoy every last moment of “you” time. It is important to remember this is your life and you can choose to live a life with less stress and more happiness. Choose to practice kindness. Choose to make a positive impact everywhere you are.

You have the power to do whatever you want. You can be everything or nothing, all you have to be is anything. Choose happy. I dare you.

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